Leave of Absence

Process and Timeline

The Leave of Absence process is straightforward, although there are typically slight differences for students who are taking a leave under foreseeable circumstances versus unforeseeable or emergency circumstances.

In foreseeable circumstances (e.g., study abroad), complete the following steps the semester prior to your leave:

1. Contemplating a Leave
We recommend that students discuss their Leave of Absence options and decision with a trusted campus staff or faculty member, preferably an academic advisor.

  • If you are an international student with an F-1 or J-1 visa, you are required to consult with the Center for International Students (iso01@truman.edu) prior to applying for leave.

2. Financial Knowledge
Students should also consult with the Financial Aid Office about how a Leave of Absence would affect their non-Truman funded financial aid.

3. Complete the Leave of Absence Application

4. Application Approval
A student’s application will be approved by the Academic Standards Chair (appeals@truman.edu). Students receive an email confirmation of this approval.

  • If you are an international student, your leave will also need to be approved by the Center for International Students.

5. Leave of Absence Begins
If agreed upon LOA length needs changing, students should communicate with the Academic Standards Chair (appeals@truman.edu).

6. Returning from Leave
Prior to the semester a student returns to their coursework at Truman, students should connect with their academic advisor about enrolling in courses.

  • We recommend students returning in the Fall semester consult with their academic advisor beginning in the March or summer prior.
  • We recommend students returning in the Spring semester consult with their academic advisor beginning in the October prior.

In unforeseeable circumstances (e.g., emergencies):

1. Complete the Leave of Absence Application

2. Application Approval
A student’s application will be approved by the Academic Standards Chair (appeals@truman.edu). Students receive an email confirmation of this approval.

  • If you are an international student, your leave will also need to be approved by the Center for International Students (iso01@truman.edu) and you will be asked to meet with the Center prior to approving your application.

3. Withdraw From All Courses
The Leave of Absence application does not automatically withdraw you from your current semester courses.  To withdraw, select the “Withdraw from All Courses for a Selected Semester” link in the Registration Tool shortcut on TruView.

4. Campus Housing
If a student lives on-campus, they will need to communicate with the Residence Life Office to coordinate moving out of their residence hall in a timely manner. Students should communicate with their Student Advisor and the Student Housing Assistant (rlsha@truman.edu) on this matter.

  • The Residence Life Office is reasonable in the amount of time they give a student to move out of their room.

5. Leave of Absence Begins
If agreed upon LOA length needs changing, students should communicate with the Academic Standards Chair (appeals@truman.edu).

6. Financial Knowledge
If a student is able to, we recommend they consult with the Financial Aid Office about how a Leave of Absence would affect their non-Truman funded financial aid.

7. Returning from Leave
Prior to the semester a student returns to their coursework at Truman, students should connect with their academic advisor about enrolling in courses.

  • We recommend students returning in the Fall semester consult with their academic advisor beginning in the March or summer prior.
  • We recommend students returning in the Spring semester consult with their academic advisor beginning in the October prior.

Leave of Absence Contact

Ashleigh Harding, M.A.
Director of Student Success & Academic Standards Chair
aharding@truman.edu  |  appeals@truman.edu

Updated September 28, 2023