Mathematics Major: Sample 4-Year Plans

The plan listed below is designed to provide suggestions for sequencing your major courses, but there are also other ways to sequence most majors. This plan is meant to provide aid in early, provisional planning. Please consult with your academic advisor to make strategic academic decisions about which courses to take each semester.

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Sample Four Year Plan: Mathematics (BA/BS)

Semester 1

- TRU 120: First Year Seminar (3 cr)
- MATH 198: Analytic Geometry and Calculus I (5 cr)
- Dialogues Curriculum course (6 cr)

Semester 2

- MATH 263: Analytic Geometry and Calculus II (4 cr)
- CS 170: Intro to Computer Science I (4 cr), OR CS 180: Foundations of Computer Science I (4 cr) (*)
- Dialogues Curriculum course (6 cr)


(*) = Students interested in double majoring in CS should take CS 180

Semester 3

- MATH 200: WE/Foundations of Mathematics (3 cr)
- MATH 264: Analytic Geometry and Calculus III (4 cr)
- Elementary Foreign Language I (3 cr)
- Dialogues Curriculum course (3 cr)

Semester 4

- MATH 357: Linear Algebra (3 cr)
- STAT 290: Statistics (3 cr), OR STAT 370: Probability (3 cr)
- CHEM 130: Chemical Principles I (4 cr), OR PHYS 185: College Physics I (4 cr) (**)
- Elementary Foreign Language II (3 cr)


(**) = Math majors are required to take either CHEM 130 or PHYS 185

Semester 5

- MATH 451: Algebraic Structures I (3 cr) (***)
- MATH XXX: One course from List A or B (3 cr)
- JINS 3XX: WE/____________ (3 cr)
- Dialogues Curriculum course (3 cr), OR BS/BA coursework (3 cr)
- Elective (3 cr)


(***) = Math 451 and 461 are only offered in the fall. Math 452 is only offered in the spring of even years, and Math 462 is only offered in the spring of odd years. So, students may need to swap years for the Math 451-452 and 461-462 sequences.

Semester 6

- MATH 398: Junior Seminar in Mathematics (1 cr)
- MATH XXX: One course from List A or B (3 cr)
- MATH XXX: One course from List A or B (3 cr)
- Dialogues Curriculum course (3 cr), OR BS/BA coursework (3 cr)
- Elective (3 cr)

Semester 7

- MATH 461: Advanced Calculus (3 cr) (***)
- MATH 499: WE/Mathematics Capstone (3 cr)
- Electives (6-9 cr)


(***) = Math 451 and 461 are only offered in the fall. Math 452 is only offered in the spring of even years, and Math 462 is only offered in the spring of odd years. So, students may need to swap years for the Math 451-452 and 461-462 sequences.

Semester 8

- MATH XXX: One course from List A or B (3 cr)
- MATH XXX: One course from List A or B (3 cr)
- Dialogues Curriculum course (6 cr), OR BS/BA coursework (6 cr)


Electives (as needed) to total at least 120 hours


  • (*) = Students interested in double majoring in CS should take CS 180
  • (**) = Math majors are required to take either CHEM 130 or PHYS 185
  • (***) = Math 451 and 461 are only offered in the fall. Math 452 is only offered in the spring of even years, and Math 462 is only offered in the spring of odd years. So, students may need to swap years for the Math 451-452 and 461-462 sequences.
  • Graduation Requirements: Total credit hrs>=120 (40 credit hrs @ 300-level or higher)
  • WE = Writing Enhanced course
  • If you have not completed the Civics Exam, we recommend doing so in your first year.
  • Truman students are required to complete a Portfolio to graduate. We recommend starting to compile your work for the Portfolio sooner than later.
  • Students must complete their Application to Graduate the semester prior to graduating. Apply to graduate through TruView.
  • Graduating seniors need to complete their seniors test and questionnaire. We recommend reviewing the Assessment & Testing page to plan accordingly.
  • The Dialogues curriculum requires a certain number of courses/credit hours in the following Perspectives: Social, Arts and Humanities, STEM, Communications, and Statistics. The exact number of courses a student will be required to take during their undergraduate career varies individually according to the credit transferred in.
List A of Elective Courses (3 cr): List B of Elective Courses (3 cr):
MATH 363: College Geometry MATH 300: Introduction to Numerical Analysis
MATH 440: Topology MATH 330: Mathematics of Finance
MATH 447: Combinatorial Analysis MATH 335: Game Theory
MATH 452: Algebraic Structures II MATH 345: Introduction to Mathematical Biology
MATH 454: Theory of Numbers MATH 347: Discrete Mathematics
MATH 462: Advanced Calculus II MATH 364: Vector Analysis
MATH 465: Differential Geometry MATH 365: Ordinary Differential Equations
MATH 468: Intro to Set Theory MATH 400: Methods of Optimization
MATH 469: Intro to Mathematical Logic MATH 425: Intro. To the Math. of Life Contingencies
MATH 515: Complex Variables I MATH 455: History of Mathematics I
STAT 570: Mathematical Probability and Statistics I MATH 456: History of Mathematics II
MATH 464: Higher Geometry
MATH 511: Numerical Analysis
MATH 521: Partial Differential Equations
MATH 530: Topics in Mathematical Modeling
MATH 564: Advanced Linear AlgebraSTAT 571: Mathematical Probability and Statistics II
STAT 571: Mathematical Probability and Statistics II


Department Chair: Please contact the Center for Academic Excellence with any updates to the plan above. Rev. 8-5-24



This is a sample course sequence to illustrate class offerings for this major. The Office of the Registrar is responsible for certifying completion of degree requirements based on requirements specified in Truman's Official Catalog.

Sample Plans for Related Majors

Chemistry Major: Sample 4-Year Plan Computer Science: Sample 4-Year Plan Physics Major: Sample Plans Statistics: Sample 4-Year Plans

All Sample Four-Year Plans

The plan listed below is designed to provide suggestions for sequencing your major courses, but there are also other ways to sequence most majors. This plan is meant to provide aid in early, provisional planning. Please consult with your academic advisor to make strategic academic decisions about which courses to take each semester.

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Sample Four Year Plan: Mathematics (BA/BS), Actuarial Science

Semester 1

- TRU 120: First Year Seminar (3 cr)
- MATH 198: Analytic Geometry and Calculus I (5 cr)
- Dialogues Curriculum course (6 cr)

Semester 2

- MATH 263: Analytic Geometry and Calculus II (4 cr)
- CS 170: Intro to Computer Science I (4 cr)
- CHEM 130: Chemical Principles I (4 cr), OR PHYS 185: College Physics I (4 cr)
- Dialogues Curriculum course (3 cr)

Semester 3

- MATH 200: WE/Foundations of Mathematics (3 cr)
- MATH 264: Analytic Geometry and Calculus III (4 cr)
- ECON 200: Principles of Macroeconomics (3 cr)
- BSAD 153: Intro to Business Data Analytics (1 cr)
- Elementary Foreign Language I (3 cr)

Semester 4

- MATH 357: Linear Algebra (3 cr)
- MATH 330: Mathematics of Finance (3 cr)
- ECON 201: Principles of Microeconomics (3 cr)
- STAT 290: Statistics (3 cr)
- Dialogues Curriculum course (3 cr)
- Elementary Foreign Language II (3 cr)

Semester 5

- MATH 451: Algebraic Structures I (3 cr)
- STAT 570: Mathematical Probability and Statistics I (3 cr)
- ACCT 220: Introduction to Financial Accounting (3 cr)
- JINS 3XX: WE/____________ (3 cr)
- Dialogues Curriculum course (3 cr), OR BS/BA coursework (3 cr)

Semester 6

- MATH 398: Junior Seminar in Mathematics (1 cr)
- STAT 481: Loss Models (3 cr) (*)
- STAT 571: Mathematical Probability and Statistics II (3 cr)
- BSAD 329: Principles of Finance (3 cr)
- Dialogues Curriculum course (3 cr), OR BS/BA coursework (3 cr)

Semester 7

- MATH 461: Advanced Calculus (3 cr)
- MATH 499: WE/Mathematics Capstone (3 cr)
- Electives (6 cr)

Semester 8

- MATH 425: Intro. to the Math. of Life Contingencies (3 cr) (*)
- Dialogues Curriculum course (6 cr), OR BS/BA coursework (6 cr)

Electives (as needed) to total at least 120 hours


  • (*) = MATH 425 in only offered in odd years and STAT 481 in even years, so these courses may need to be swapped in the plan
  • Graduation Requirements: Total credit hrs>=120 (40 credit hrs @ 300-level or higher)
  • WE = Writing Enhanced course
  • If you have not completed the Civics Exam, we recommend doing so in your first year.
  • Truman students are required to complete a Portfolio to graduate. We recommend starting to compile your work for the Portfolio sooner than later.
  • Students must complete their Application to Graduate the semester prior to graduating. Apply to graduate through TruView.
  • Graduating seniors need to complete their seniors test and questionnaire. We recommend reviewing the Assessment & Testing page to plan accordingly.
  • The Dialogues curriculum requires a certain number of courses/credit hours in the following Perspectives: Social, Arts and Humanities, STEM, Communications, and Statistics. The exact number of courses a student will be required to take during their undergraduate career varies individually according to the credit transferred in.


List A of Elective Courses (3 cr): List B of Elective Courses (3 cr):
MATH 363: College Geometry MATH 300: Introduction to Numerical Analysis
MATH 440: Topology MATH 330: Mathematics of Finance
MATH 447: Combinatorial Analysis MATH 335: Game Theory
MATH 452: Algebraic Structures II MATH 345: Introduction to Mathematical Biology
MATH 454: Theory of Numbers MATH 347: Discrete Mathematics
MATH 462: Advanced Calculus II MATH 364: Vector Analysis
MATH 464: Higher Geometry MATH 365: Ordinary Differential Equations
MATH 465: Differential Geometry MATH 400: Methods of Optimization
MATH 468: Intro to Set Theory MATH 425: Intro. To the Math. of Life Contingencies
MATH 469: Intro to Mathematical Logic MATH 455: History of Mathematics I
MATH 515: Complex Variables I MATH 456: History of Mathematics II
STAT 570: Mathematical Probability and Statistics I MATH 511: Numerical Analysis
MATH 521: Partial Differential Equations
MATH 530: Topics in Mathematical Modeling
MATH 564: Advanced Linear Algebra
STAT 571: Mathematical Probability and Statistics II


Department Chair: Please contact the Center for Academic Excellence with any updates to the plan above. Rev. 8-5-24

This is a sample course sequence to illustrate class offerings for this major. The Office of the Registrar is responsible for certifying completion of degree requirements based on requirements specified in Truman's Official Catalog.

All Sample Four-Year Plans

The plan listed below is designed to provide suggestions for sequencing your major courses, but there are also other ways to sequence most majors. This plan is meant to provide aid in early, provisional planning. Please consult with your academic advisor to make strategic academic decisions about which courses to take each semester.

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Sample Four Year Plan: Mathematics (BA/BS), Pre-MAE

Semester 1

- TRU 120: First Year Seminar (3 cr)
- MATH 198: Analytic Geometry and Calculus I (5 cr)
- Dialogues Curriculum course (6 cr)

Semester 2

- MATH 263: Analytic Geometry and Calculus II (4 cr)
- CS 170: Intro to Computer Science I (4 cr)
- Dialogues Curriculum course (6 cr)

Semester 3

- MATH 200: WE/Foundations of Mathematics (3 cr)
- MATH 264: Analytic Geometry and Calculus III (4 cr)
- ED 100: Introduction to Education (1 cr)
- CHEM 130: Chemical Principles I (4 cr), OR PHYS 185: College Physics I (4 cr)
- Elementary Foreign Language I (3 cr)

Semester 4

- MATH 357: Linear Algebra (3 cr)
- ED 388: Exploratory Field Experiences (1 cr)
- ED 389: WE/Foundations of Education (3 cr)
- STAT 290: Statistics (3 cr), OR STAT 370: Probability (3 cr)
- Elementary Foreign Language II (3 cr)

Semester 5

- MATH 451: Algebraic Structures I (3 cr) (**)
- MATH 455: History of Mathematics I (3 cr) (*)
- JINS 3XX: WE/Junior Interdisciplinary Seminar (3 cr)
- Dialogues Curriculum course (3 cr), OR BA/BS coursework (3 cr)
- Elective (3 cr)

Semester 6

- MATH 363: College Geometry (3 cr)
- MATH 398: Junior Seminar in Mathematics (1 cr)
- MATH XXX: One course from List A or B (3 cr) (***)
- ED 393: Clinical Experiences in Teaching (3 cr)
- ED 394: Experiences in Classroom Teaching (1 cr)
- Dialogues Curriculum course (3 cr), OR BA/BS coursework (3 cr)

Semester 7

- MATH 461: Advanced Calculus (3 cr) (**)
- MATH 499: WE/Mathematics Capstone (3 cr)
- ED 593: Psychological Foundations of Education (3 cr)
- Electives (3-6 cr)

Semester 8

- MATH XXX: One course from List A or B (3 cr) (***)
- MATH XXX: One course from List A or B (3 cr) (***)
- ED 410: Capstone: On Becoming an Educator (2 cr)
- Dialogues Curriculum course (6 cr), OR BA/BS coursework (6 cr)

Electives (as needed) to total at least 120 hours


  • (*) = This course is only offered every other year so it may need to be taken in a different year.
  • (**) = Math 451 and 461 are only offered in the fall.  Math 452 is only offered in the spring of even years, and Math 462 is only offered in the spring of odd years.  So students may need to swap years for the Math 451-452 and 461-462 sequences.
  • (***) = The following courses are recommended as options for Math electives: Math 335, Math 347, Math 452, Math 454, Math 462, Math 464, Math 467
  • Graduation Requirements: Total credit hrs>=120 (40 credit hrs @ 300-level or higher)
  • WE = Writing Enhanced course
  • If you have not completed the Civics Exam, we recommend doing so in your first year.
  • Truman students are required to complete a Portfolio to graduate. We recommend starting to compile your work for the Portfolio sooner than later.
  • Students must complete their Application to Graduate the semester prior to graduating. Apply to graduate through TruView.
  • Graduating seniors need to complete their seniors test and questionnaire. We recommend reviewing the Assessment & Testing page to plan accordingly.
  • The Dialogues curriculum requires a certain number of courses/credit hours in the following Perspectives: Social, Arts and Humanities, STEM, Communications, and Statistics. The exact number of courses a student will be required to take during their undergraduate career varies individually according to the credit transferred in.
List A of Elective Courses (3 cr): List B of Elective Courses (3 cr):
MATH 363: College Geometry MATH 300: Introduction to Numerical Analysis
MATH 440: Topology MATH 330: Mathematics of Finance
MATH 447: Combinatorial Analysis MATH 335: Game Theory
MATH 452: Algebraic Structures II MATH 345: Introduction to Mathematical Biology
MATH 454: Theory of Numbers MATH 347: Discrete Mathematics
MATH 462: Advanced Calculus II MATH 364: Vector Analysis
MATH 464: Higher Geometry MATH 365: Ordinary Differential Equations
MATH 465: Differential Geometry MATH 400: Methods of Optimization
MATH 468: Intro to Set Theory MATH 425: Intro. To the Math. of Life Contingencies
MATH 469: Intro to Mathematical Logic MATH 455: History of Mathematics I
MATH 515: Complex Variables I MATH 456: History of Mathematics II
STAT 570: Mathematical Probability and Statistics I MATH 511: Numerical Analysis
MATH 521: Partial Differential Equations
MATH 530: Topics in Mathematical Modeling
MATH 564: Advanced Linear Algebra
STAT 571: Mathematical Probability and Statistics II


Department Chair: Please contact the Center for Academic Excellence with any updates to the plan above. Rev. 8-5-24

This is a sample course sequence to illustrate class offerings for this major. The Office of the Registrar is responsible for certifying completion of degree requirements based on requirements specified in Truman's Official Catalog.

All Sample Four-Year Plans

The plan listed below is designed to provide suggestions for sequencing your major courses, but there are also other ways to sequence most majors. This plan is meant to provide aid in early, provisional planning. Please consult with your academic advisor to make strategic academic decisions about which courses to take each semester.

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Sample Four Year Plan: Mathematics (BA/BS), Graduate School Track

Semester 1

- TRU 120: First Year Seminar (3 cr)
- MATH 198: Analytic Geometry and Calculus I (5 cr)
- Dialogues Curriculum course (6 cr)

Semester 2

- MATH 263: Analytic Geometry and Calculus II (4 cr)
- CS 170: Intro to Computer Science I (4 cr), OR CS 180: Foundations of Computer Science I (4 cr) (*)
- Dialogues Curriculum course (6 cr)


(*) = Students interested in double majoring in CS should take CS 180

Semester 3

- MATH 200: WE/Foundations of Mathematics (3 cr)
- MATH 264: Analytic Geometry and Calculus III (4 cr)
- Elementary Foreign Language I (3 cr)
- Dialogues Curriculum course (3 cr)

Semester 4

- MATH 357: Linear Algebra (3 cr)
- STAT 290: Statistics (3 cr), OR STAT 370: Probability (3 cr)
- CHEM 130: Chemical Principles I (4 cr), OR PHYS 185: College Physics I (4 cr) (**)
- Elementary Foreign Language II (3 cr)


(**) = Math majors are required to take either CHEM 130 or PHYS 185

Semester 5

- MATH 451: Algebraic Structures I (3 cr) (***)
- MATH XXX: One course from List A or B (3 cr)
- JINS 3XX: WE/____________ (3 cr)
- Dialogues Curriculum course (3 cr), OR BA/BS coursework (3 cr)
- Elective (3 cr)


(***) = Math 451 and 461 are only offered in the fall. Math 452 is only offered in the spring of even years, and Math 462 is only offered in the spring of odd years. So, students may need to swap years for the Math 451-452 and 461-462 sequences.

Semester 6

- MATH 398: Junior Seminar in Mathematics (1 cr)
- MATH 452: Algebraic Structures II (3 cr) (***)
- MATH XXX: One course from List A or B (3 cr)
- Dialogues Curriculum course (3 cr), OR BA/BS coursework (3 cr)
- Elective (3 cr)


(***) = Math 451 and 461 are only offered in the fall. Math 452 is only offered in the spring of even years, and Math 462 is only offered in the spring of odd years. So, students may need to swap years for the Math 451-452 and 461-462 sequences.

Semester 7

- MATH 461: Advanced Calculus (3 cr) (***)
- MATH 499: WE/Mathematics Capstone (3 cr)
- Electives (6-9 cr)


(***) = Math 451 and 461 are only offered in the fall. Math 452 is only offered in the spring of even years, and Math 462 is only offered in the spring of odd years. So, students may need to swap years for the Math 451-452 and 461-462 sequences.

Semester 8

- MATH 462: Advanced Calculus II (3 cr) (***)
- MATH 440: Topology (3 cr) (****)
- Dialogues Curriculum course (6 cr), OR BA/BS coursework (6 cr)
- Electives (as needed) to total at least 120 hours


(***) = Math 451 and 461 are only offered in the fall. Math 452 is only offered in the spring of even years, and Math 462 is only offered in the spring of odd years. So, students may need to swap years for the Math 451-452 and 461-462 sequences.

(****) = Offered only every other year. May need to take in junior year.


  • (*) = Students interested in double majoring in CS should take CS 180
  • (**) = Math majors are required to take either CHEM 130 or PHYS 185
  • (***) = Math 451 and 461 are only offered in the fall.  Math 452 is only offered in the spring of even years, and Math 462 is only offered in the spring of odd years. So, students may need to swap years for the Math 451-452 and 461-462 sequences.
  • (****) = Offered only every other year. May need to take in junior year.
  • Graduation Requirements: Total credit hrs>=120 (40 credit hrs @ 300-level or higher)
  • WE = Writing Enhanced course
  • If you have not completed the Civics Exam, we recommend doing so in your first year.
  • Truman students are required to complete a Portfolio to graduate. We recommend starting to compile your work for the Portfolio sooner than later.
  • Students must complete their Application to Graduate the semester prior to graduating. Apply to graduate through TruView.
  • Graduating seniors need to complete their seniors test and questionnaire. We recommend reviewing the Assessment & Testing page to plan accordingly.
  • The Dialogues curriculum requires a certain number of courses/credit hours in the following Perspectives: Social, Arts and Humanities, STEM, Communications, and Statistics. The exact number of courses a student will be required to take during their undergraduate career varies individually according to the credit transferred in.


List A of Elective Courses (3 cr): List B of Elective Courses (3 cr):
MATH 363: College Geometry MATH 300: Introduction to Numerical Analysis
MATH 440: Topology MATH 330: Mathematics of Finance
MATH 447: Combinatorial Analysis MATH 335: Game Theory
MATH 452: Algebraic Structures II MATH 345: Introduction to Mathematical Biology
MATH 454: Theory of Numbers MATH 347: Discrete Mathematics
MATH 462: Advanced Calculus II MATH 364: Vector Analysis
MATH 464: Higher Geometry MATH 365: Ordinary Differential Equations
MATH 465: Differential Geometry MATH 400: Methods of Optimization
MATH 468: Intro to Set Theory MATH 425: Intro. To the Math. of Life Contingencies
MATH 469: Intro to Mathematical Logic MATH 455: History of Mathematics I
MATH 515: Complex Variables I MATH 456: History of Mathematics II
STAT 570: Mathematical Probability and Statistics I MATH 511: Numerical Analysis
MATH 521: Partial Differential Equations
MATH 530: Topics in Mathematical Modeling
MATH 564: Advanced Linear Algebra
STAT 571: Mathematical Probability and Statistics II

Department Chair: Please contact the Center for Academic Excellence with any updates to the plan above. Rev. 8-5-24

This is a sample course sequence to illustrate class offerings for this major. The Office of the Registrar is responsible for certifying completion of degree requirements based on requirements specified in Truman's Official Catalog.

All Sample Four-Year Plans