Sociology/Anthropology Student Organizations

Departmental Organizations

The Anthropology Club at Truman is open to any student with a general interest in anthropology.  The Club brings together students with interests in anthropology to serve as an outlet for anthropological discussion of research and current issues, to connect with professional anthropologists, and to serve as a resource to students in anthropology. The Club has a tradition of planning field trips to sites like Cahokia and Illiniwek Village, museums such as the Field Museum in Chicago, and hosting lecturers on anthropological topics on campus. Anyone with an interest in anthropology is welcome.

For more information, contact the Faculty Advisor, Dr. Anton Daughters.

Students for Social Change is an academic club for members interested in social movements and in helping the Truman as well as the Kirksville community.  We are dedicated to raising awareness about social issues such as poverty, racism, social justice, globalization, and the effects of free and fair trade. We are passionate about seeing social change in our own community as well as in the world.

Our members participate in activities such as Social Justice Week on Disability Awareness, Everything Kirksville, Fair Trade Resource Network, Oxfam International, American Apparel, Sweat-Free Communities, and Recipes To Save The World.

Advisor: Dr. Paul Shapiro

Honor Societies

The Cultural and Societal Honor Society is a departmental honor society that was created in the Spring of 2010 to benefit Sociology/Anthropology students at Truman State University.

Our mission is to present hands on opportunities within the field, allow members to connect with other people in the major, and to serve as a place of support as well as a source of information and guidance for students within the department. The Society emphasizes the importance of knowledge and understanding of local, national, and international communities in order to learn more about ourselves and the world around us.

AKD stands for Alpha Kappa Delta, an international society of scholars dedicated to the ideal of Athropon Katamannthanein Diakonesin, or “to investigate humanity for the purpose of service.”  AKD seeks to acknowledge and promote excellence in scholarship in the study of sociology, the research of social problems, and such other social and intellectual activities as will lead to improvement in the human condition.

Undergraduates must be sociology majors or demonstrate a serious interest in sociology within an official program of a host institution with a chartered chapter of the Society. Students must:

  • Be at least a junior
  • Rank in the top 35% of their class
  • Have an overall GPA of at least 3.0
  • Have a sociology GPA of at least 3.0
  • Have taken at least four courses in sociology

If you have any questions about eligibility, contact Dr. Paul Shapiro.

Lambda Alpha is a national honors society for professionals and outstanding students in anthropology. Dr. Amber Johnson serves as faculty sponsor of the Truman chapter of Lambda Alpha. The requirements for membership are:

  • must have completed 12 semester hours course work in anthropology;
  • have an anthropology G.P.A. of 3.0 and;
  • have a cumulative G.P.A. minimum of 2.5.

Lambda Alpha also offers scholarships and opportunities for undergraduates to publish their research. You can read more about the national organization at the parent web site at Ball State University.

Other Organizations


The Kirksville Bike Co-op is a service and educational organization committed to community involvement through cultivating the development, use, and promotion of sustainable transportation. The keystone of our service hinges on providing a space where bike culture and knowledge is facilitated through both independent experimentation and collaborative hands-on discovery in a safe, supportive learning environment.

Educational Philosophy

The Bike Co-op workshop is a place on the Truman campus where people of the community are invited to come and learn how to fix their bikes under the guidance of a trained mechanic. While a membership is required to aid in financing our operation, ensure based-line training on shop tools, and to enforce the membership contract, services are free and education is paramount. The Bike Co-op strives to fill an important niche in the Kirksville community by providing access to tools necessary to maintain bikes, affordable, high quality parts, and training in bike mechanics. The Co-op is both a resource and a service, creating a bridge between the University community and the greater Kirksville community in which it resides.

For more information, visit the website (, email us at, or contact one of the sponsors below.

Faculty Sponsors: Alex Tetla

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