Agricultural and Biological Sciences Research Opportunities

Truman State University has an excellent tradition of undergraduate research in Agricultural and Biological Sciences. All Agricultural and Biological Sciences faculty members in the Agricultural and Biological Sciences Department are active scholars who value the partnership of students in research.

You can learn many lessons by doing research in biology—about the science itself, and also about close collaboration with others, time management, and taking personal responsibility, to name just a few. And, of course, you will discover how well you like the research process—the joys and sorrows of the act of testing and deepening our understanding of the living world.

The research process is central to a number of careers in biology. If you are contemplating such a career, it is wise to explore the research experience in detail.

Research Opportunities for Biology Students

Biology students can conduct collaborative research with Truman faculty during the summer and may apply for funding through the TruScholars or Grants-In-Aid of Scholarship and Research. Our math biology minor provides students with biological research projects involving more complex mathematics.

External Summer Research Programs

More Popular Sites for Research Opportunities

Agricultural and Biological Sciences Department