Master of Arts in Education

MAE: Specialty Area Requirements for Music Education

The Music Department requires that students:

  • Establish and maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 computed using grades in all undergraduate music courses.
  • Complete an MAE Review (after completing the ED 389 Foundations of Education course).

Details and instructions about the review can be obtained from the Music MAE Director in the Department of Music.

Dr. Jocelyn Stevens

Jocelyn Stevens

Please see your Music Education advisor (Dr. Jocelyn Stevens) each semester to ensure smooth processing through the program.

Students being certified to teach in Missouri must have a 2.75 or higher GPA overall, a 3.0 GPA or higher in their content area, and a 3.0 GPA or higher in professional classes (mostly education classes).  This GPA sheet was crafted to help students keep track of these three GPA calculations, as well as to aid with advisement and enrollment.  If students have any questions about their GPA, they should meet with their specialty area advisor.

Music/Instrumental: Download GPA Sheet (Excel file) Music/Vocal: Download GPA Sheet (Excel file)