Room Change Process

Throughout the semester, residents express interest in changing buildings/ rooms to find an assignment that best meets their housing needs. Below are the steps for navigating the Room Change Process.

For Spring 2025, the Room Change Request Process will re-open on January 21 and room moves will start on January 24. April 18 is the last day students can request to move room for Spring 2025.

To request a room change:

  • Log in to Truview
  • Select “Student” on the left hand side
  • Select “Student Housing/Residence Life”
  • Select “Housing Portal”

Once you have logged in to the Housing Portal:

  • Click on Room Change Process (at the top)
  • Select the correct Term (Semester)
  • Follow the instructions to identify a room you are interested in moving to on the first page of the Room Change Process
  • Completely open rooms are not available for Buy-out (BO). If you wish to select a buyout room, search for a Buyout (BO) space in the housing portal
  • Connect with the current occupant(s) to ensure the roommate match will meet your housing needs.
    • If the room is listed as a Buy-out or completely empty and you want to buy-out, you will not need to contact a current occupant
    • If the room is empty and you want to bring a roommate, you both need to submit this form.
  • Once you have found a room that meets your housing needs and you have connected with the current resident(s), you will need to fill out the second page in the Room Change Process with the appropriate information

NOTE: Residents that initiate room changes without approval from Residence Life will be referred through the conduct process.

The beginning of the semester tends to see a high volume of requests submitted. Please allow a couple of days for processing. A Residence Life staff member will contact you with any questions, concerns, or updates regarding your Room Change Request.

Roommate Agreement:

A Roommate Agreement is an important tool for roommates to use to establish expectations and boundaries and should be completed within the first week or second week of living together; many potential conflicts are avoided or conflict is more easily resolved when roommates have invested time in completing the Roommate Agreement process.

You will need to complete a roommate agreement form with your new roommate by clicking the link for your hall below.

If you have any additional questions about the Room Change Process, please contact