Degree Works FAQs

The following questions have been provided to help you with troubleshooting issues related to Degree Works (DW).  If, after reviewing these questions and answers, you need additional information, please contact your academic advisor or the Registrar’s Office.

Availability and General Information

Yes.  Degree Works does not check your assessment requirements (i.e., portfolio, junior and senior tests, etc), and is not programmed to review dual degrees.  There are also occasionally requirements of a particular major (i.e., upper-level competency testing in Music) that are not checked in Degree Works.  You should use Degree Works in conjunction with your General Catalog and any information that your major discipline provides to you to ensure that you remain on track for graduation.


Placement of Courses

In most cases, yes. DW is programmed to recognize that some courses can “double count” to fulfill requirements, such as writing enhanced courses, intercultural courses, and some required support courses.  Be sure to look through requirements for your major in the General Catalog to make sure that this duplicate placement is appropriate.  If you have any questions, contact your academic advisor or the Registrar’s Office.
Email the Registrar’s Office at and we will discuss whether or not a change is necessary.
This information will be programmed after your substitution or waiver is approved by your advisor, department chair, and the academic dean, and after you have completed the substituted course.  The course that you substituted will automatically be used to fulfill the requirement specified, and you will see that course listed next to the requirement.
Your degree worksheet should reflect the AA as fulfilling your Essential Skills and Modes of Inquiry as well as part of the Interconnecting Perspectives.  If your audit has not been updated with your AA degree, please inform the Registrar at


Majors, Minors, Concentrations, and Patterns

Once you submit your Learning Plan online or on paper, a copy will be forwarded to the Registrar’s Office if approved.  At that time, we will program your courses into your personal learning plan, and they will appear when you process a degree worksheet after that time.
Use the “what-if” tab at the top of the Degree Works page.  Select the items you are contemplating from the drop-down menus then click on “Process New.”
Either you haven’t declared your concentration yet, or you ran a “what-if analysis” without adding a concentration.  You can declare your concentration or pattern in TruView under the Student tab by selecting “Change, Add, Drop Majors/Minors or Catalog“.


Grade Point Averages

Your major GPA will appear in the top of the Major block.


Resolving Errors or Questions

Please contact either your advisor or the Registrar’s Office immediately!  While we have done everything we could to make sure that your worksheet runs correctly, it would have been impossible for us to predict every possible situation or problem.  If this occurs, you should print a copy of your worksheet and bring it with you to our office. 
You should first contact your academic advisor.  If you still have questions after that meeting, contact the Registrar’s Office at  If you have questions about the information on your degree, you should print a copy of your audit and bring it with you to our office.