Mathematics Faculty & Staff

Diane Sandefur
Administrative Assistant - Computer & Data Sciences and Mathematics

Monday - Friday 7:00AM to 4:00PM 

Office is open 8:00AM to 5:00PM (You are welcome to come in at 7:00AM as well.  But official hours start at 8:00AM.)


Dr. Don Bindner
Assistant Professor of Mathematics

Office Hours Srping 2024:
MWF 2:30pm-4:20pm at VH2258
TR 11:30am-1:20pm at VH2258
Or by appointment

Zoom link:
(Let me know ahead of time if you want a Zoom meeting.)

Personal Pronouns: he/him

Dr. Wayne Johnson
Assistant Professor of Mathematics and Data Science

Spring 2025 Office Hours

Monday: 1:30pm-3:20pm
Wednesday: 1:30pm-3:20pm
Thursday: 11:30am-12:20pm and 2:00pm-3:50pm
Friday: 10:30am-11:20am and 1:30pm-3:20pm

Personal Pronouns: he/him

Dr. Stephen Lacina
Assistant Professor of Mathematics

Monday 11:30am-1:30pm

Tuesday 9:30-10:30am and 1:30-3:30pm

Wednesday 1:30-3:30pm

Thursday 9:30-10:30am

Friday 11:30am-12:30pm