Agricultural Science: Sample 4-Year Plans

View sample four-year plans for the Agricultural Science Major.

The plan listed below is designed to provide suggestions for sequencing your major courses, but there are also other ways to sequence most majors. This plan is meant to provide aid in early, provisional planning. Please consult with your academic advisor to make strategic academic decisions about which courses to take each semester.

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Sample Four Year Plan: Agricultural Science (BS), Business Track

Semester 1

- TRU 120: First-Year Seminar (3 cr)
- AGSC 101: New Majors Seminar (1 cr)
- Math Course (as placed) (3-5 cr)
- BSAD 153: Introduction to Business Data Analytics (recommended) (1 cr)
- Dialogues Curriculum course (3-6 cr)

Semester 2

- AGSC 260: Agricultural Markets and Products (3 cr)
- AGSC 110: Principles of Plant Agriculture (4 cr)
- Math Course (as placed) (3-5 cr)
- BIOL 100: Biology, OR BIOL 107: Cells, Molecules, and Genes (4 cr)
- Dialogues Curriculum course (3 cr)

Semester 3

- AGSC 215: Principles of Animal Agriculture (4 cr)
- ECON 200: Principles of Macroeconomics, OR ECON 201: Principles of Microeconomics (**) (3 cr)
- CHEM 100: Chemistry for Contemporary Living, OR CS 170: Introduction to Computer Science I (4 cr)
- STAT 190: Basic Statistics, OR Dialogues Curriculum course (3)


(**) = Both ECON 200 & 201 are required. ECON 205: Principles of Economics (5 cr) covers both courses.

Semester 4

- ECON 200: Principles of Macroeconomics, OR ECON 201: Principles of Microeconomics (**) (3 cr)
- Learning Plan Agriculture Elective (3 cr)
- Learning Plan Elective (3 cr)
- Dialogues Curriculum course (3 cr)


(**) = Both ECON 200 & 201 are required. ECON 205: Principles of Economics (5 cr) covers both courses.

Semester 5

- AGSC 420: Seminar in Agriculture (1 cr)
- AGSC 314: Principles of Soil Science (4 cr)
- JINS 3XX: WE/____________ (3 cr)
- Learning Plan Agriculture Elective (3 cr)
- Learning Plan Elective (3 cr)

Semester 6

- B.S. Required Support Course (Choose 1): MATH 192: Essentials of Calculus (4 cr), OR MATH 198: Analytic Geometry and Calculus I (5 cr), OR ECON 3XX (3 cr), OR STAT 3xx (3 cr)
- Learning Plan Agriculture Elective (3 cr)
- Learning Plan Elective (3 cr)
- Dialogues Curriculum course (3 cr)

Semester 7

- AGSC 415: Ethical Issues in Sustainable Agriculture (3 cr)
- AGSC 490: Agriculture Practicum Planning (2 cr)
- Learning Plan Agriculture Elective (3 cr)
- Learning Plan Elective (3 cr)
- Dialogues Curriculum course (3 cr)

Semester 8

- AGSC 491: Agriculture Practicum Capstone (2 cr)
- Learning Plan Agriculture Elective (3 cr)
- Learning Plan Elective (3 cr)
- Dialogues Curriculum course (6 cr)



  • If you have not completed the Civics Exam, we recommend doing so in your first year.
  • Truman students are required to complete a Portfolio to graduate. We recommend starting to compile your work for the Portfolio sooner than later.
  • Students must complete their Application to Graduate the semester prior to graduating. Apply to graduate through TruView.
  • Graduating seniors need to complete their seniors test and questionnaire. We recommend reviewing the Assessment & Testing page to plan accordingly.
  • Business Track B.S. requirement course options include a Calculus course (MATH 192 or MATH 198), many 3XX+ ECON courses, or any STAT 3xx+ course.
  • AGSC Learning Plan Elective course selections are made in consultation with advisors. The Learning Plan includes 30 credit hours and at least 15 of these credit hours must have the AGSC prefix and are noted in the 4-year plan as “Learning Plan Agriculture Electives”. Students pursuing the Business Track typically include among their Learning Plan Agriculture Electives the courses AGSC 303: Food & Ag Marketing (offered Fall, Even Years), AGSC 342: Ag Entrepreneurship (offered Spring, Odd Years), AGSC 340: Futures and Options Markets (Fall, Odd Years), and AGSC 414: Agricultural Policy (Spring, Even Years). Other Agricultural course options include AGSC 180: Introduction to Equine Science, AGSC 350: Equine Business, AGSC 321: Animal Nutrition, AGSC 334: Companion Animal Management, AGSC 410: Soil Conservation and Management, and others.
  • The additional Learning Plan Course Electives can come from either AGSC or other disciplines that relate to and support the student’s area of interest. Students pursuing the Business Track often select courses in ECON, ACCT, and BSAD; the 16 credits required for a Business Administration (BSAD) Minor can also be used as Learning Plan courses.
  • WE = Writing Enhanced course
  • The Dialogues curriculum requires a certain number of courses/credit hours in the following Perspectives: Social, Arts and Humanities, STEM, Communications, and Statistics. The exact number of courses a student will be required to take during their undergraduate career varies individually according to the credit transferred in.

This is a sample course sequence to illustrate class offerings for this major. The Office of the Registrar is responsible for certifying completion of degree requirements based on requirements specified in Truman's Official Catalog.

All Sample Four-Year Plans

The plan listed below is designed to provide suggestions for sequencing your major courses, but there are also other ways to sequence most majors. This plan is meant to provide aid in early, provisional planning. Please consult with your academic advisor to make strategic academic decisions about which courses to take each semester.

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Sample Four Year Plan: Agricultural Science (BS), Science Track

Semester 1

- TRU 120: First-Year Seminar (3 cr)
- AGSC 101: New Majors Seminar (1 cr)
- BIOL 107: Cells, Molecules, and Genes (4 cr)
- Math Course (as placed) (3-5 cr)
- Dialogues Curriculum course (3 cr)

Semester 2

- AGSC 110: Principles of Plant Agriculture (4 cr)
- Math Course (as placed) (3-5 cr)
- Dialogues Curriculum course (3 cr)
- Dialogues Curriculum course (3 cr)

Semester 3

- AGSC 215: Principles of Animal Agriculture (4 cr)
- CHEM 130: Chemical Principles I (4 cr)
- STAT 190: Basic Statistics OR other Dialogues Curriculum course (3 cr)
- Dialogues Curriculum course (3 cr)

Semester 4

- AGSC 260: Agricultural Markets and Products (3 cr)
- CHEM 131: Chemical Principles II (4 cr)
- Learning Plan Agriculture Elective (3 cr)
- Learning Plan Elective (3 cr)
- Dialogues Curriculum course (3 cr)

Semester 5

- AGSC 420: Seminar in Agriculture (1 cr)
- AGSC 314: Principles of Soil Science (4 cr)
- CHEM 329: Organic Chemistry I (3 cr), OR CHEM 320: Foundations of Organic Chemistry (*) (4 cr)
- JINS 3XX: WE/____________ (3 cr)
- Learning Plan Agriculture Elective (3 cr)
- Dialogues Curriculum course (3 cr)


(*) = Could complete in Spring - Semester 6.

Semester 6

- CHEM 329: Organic Chemistry I (**) (3 cr), OR CHEM 320: Foundations of Organic Chemistry (4 cr)
- Learning Plan Agriculture Elective (3 cr)
- Learning Plan Elective (3 cr)
- Learning Plan Elective (3 cr)
- Dialogues Curriculum course (3 cr)


(**) = Could complete in Fall - Semester 5.

Semester 7

- AGSC 415: Ethical Issues in Sustainable Agriculture (3 cr)
- AGSC 490: Agriculture Practicum Planning (2 cr)
- Learning Plan Agriculture Elective (3 cr)
- Learning Plan Elective (3 cr)
- Dialogues Curriculum course (3 cr)

Semester 8

- AGSC 491: Agriculture Practicum Capstone (2 cr)
- Learning Plan Agriculture Elective (3 cr)
- Learning Plan Elective (3 cr)
- Dialogues Curriculum course (3 cr)
- Dialogues Curriculum course (3 cr)



  • If you have not completed the Civics Exam, we recommend doing so in your first year.
  • Truman students are required to complete a Portfolio to graduate. We recommend starting to compile your work for the Portfolio sooner than later.
  • Students must complete their Application to Graduate the semester prior to graduating. Apply to graduate through TruView.
  • Graduating seniors need to complete their seniors test and questionnaire. We recommend reviewing the Assessment & Testing page to plan accordingly.
  • AGSC Learning Plan Elective course selections are made in consultation with advisors. The Learning Plan includes 30 credit hours and at least 15 of these credit hours must have the AGSC prefix and are noted in the 4-year plan as “Learning Plan Agriculture Electives." Course options include AGSC 180: Introduction to Equine Science, AGSC 181: Introduction to Equine Management Lab, AGSC 352 Reproduction Physiology, AGSC 322 Animal Health, AGSC 320: Anatomy and Physiology of Domestic Animals, AGSC 321: Animal Nutrition, AGSC 410: Soil Conservation and Management, and AGSC 414: Agricultural Policy, and many others.
  • The additional Learning Plan Course Electives can come from either AGSC or other disciplines that relate to and support the student’s area of interest. Students pursuing the Science Track (especially those seeking to complete the prerequisites to apply to a College of Veterinary Medicine) often select additional courses in BIOL and CHEM as well as PHYS for their Learning Plan.
  • WE = Writing Enhanced course
  • The Dialogues curriculum requires a certain number of courses/credit hours in the following Perspectives: Social, Arts and Humanities, STEM, Communications, and Statistics. The exact number of courses a student will be required to take during their undergraduate career varies individually according to the credit transferred in.


This is a sample course sequence to illustrate class offerings for this major. The Office of the Registrar is responsible for certifying completion of degree requirements based on requirements specified in Truman's Official Catalog.

All Sample Four-Year Plans

The plan listed below is designed to provide suggestions for sequencing your major courses, but there are also other ways to sequence most majors. This plan is meant to provide aid in early, provisional planning. Please consult with your academic advisor to make strategic academic decisions about which courses to take each semester.

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Sample Four Year Plan: Agricultural Science (BS), Pre-Education Track

Semester 1

- TRU 120: First-Year Seminar (3 cr)
- AGSC 101: New Majors Seminar (1 cr)
- ED 100: Introduction to Education (1 cr)
- Math Course (as placed) (3-5 cr)
- Dialogues Curriculum course (3-6 cr)

Semester 2

- AGSC 110: Principles of Plant Agriculture
- HLTH 195: Lifetime Health and Fitness (1.5 cr) AND HLTH 196: Lifetime Physical Activities (0.5 cr), OR, HLTH 198: Personal Health and Fitness (2 cr) AND HLTH 198L: Personal Fitness Lab (1 cr)
- Math Course (as placed) (3-5 cr)
- BIOL 100: Biology, OR BIOL 107: Cells, Molecules, and Genes (4 cr)
- Dialogues Curriculum course (3 cr)

Semester 3

- AGSC 215: Principles of Animal Agriculture (4 cr)
- CHEM 100: Chemistry for Contemporary Living, OR CHEM 130: Chemical Principles I (4 cr)
- STAT 190: Basic Statistics, OR Dialogues Curriculum course (3 cr)
- ED 388: Exploratory Field Experiences (Learning Plan Elective) (1 cr)

- ED 389: WE/Foundations of Education (Learning Plan Elective) (3 cr)

Semester 4

- AGSC 260: Agricultural Markets and Products (3 cr)
- ES 235: Fundamentals of Movement & Tumbling (Learning Plan Course Elective) (3 cr)
- Learning Plan Agriculture Elective (3 cr)
- Dialogues Curriculum course (3-6 cr)

Semester 5

- AGSC 420: Seminar in Agriculture (1 cr)
- AGSC 314: Principles of Soil Science (4 cr)
- NASC 331: Science for Elementary Teachers (B.S. Requirement Course) (4 cr)
- JINS 3XX: WE/____________ (3 cr)
- Learning Plan Agriculture Elective (3 cr)

Semester 6

- MATH 240: Concrete Behavioral Foundations of Mathematics (B.S. Requirement Course) (3 cr)
- ED 393: Clinical Experiences in Teaching (Learning Plan Course Elective) (3 cr)
- ED 394: Experiences in Classroom Teaching (Learning Plan Course Elective) (1 cr)
- Learning Plan Agriculture Elective (3 cr)
- Dialogues Curriculum course (3-6 cr)

Semester 7

- AGSC 415: Ethical Issues in Sustainable Agriculture (3 cr)
- AGSC 490: Agriculture Practicum Planning (2 cr)
- ENG 415: Literature for Children (Learning Plan Course Elective) (4 cr)
- Learning Plan Agriculture Elective (3 cr)
- Dialogues Curriculum course (3 cr)

Semester 8

- AGSC 491: Agriculture Practicum Capstone (2 cr)
- ED 593: Psychological Foundations of Education (Learning Plan Course Elective) (3 cr)
- ED 608G: Management of Instruction: Elementary Education (*) (Learning Plan Course Elective) (4 cr)
- Learning Plan Agriculture Elective (3 cr)
- Dialogues Curriculum course (3 cr)



  • If you have not completed the Civics Exam, we recommend doing so in your first year.
  • Truman students are required to complete a Portfolio to graduate. We recommend starting to compile your work for the Portfolio sooner than later.
  • Students must complete their Application to Graduate the semester prior to graduating. Apply to graduate through TruView.
  • Graduating seniors need to complete their seniors test and questionnaire. We recommend reviewing the Assessment & Testing page to plan accordingly.
  • Pre-Education Track B.S. requirements include MATH 240 and NASC 331.
  • AGSC Learning Plan Elective course selections are made in consultation with advisors. The Learning Plan includes 30 credit hours and at least 15 of these credit hours must have the AGSC prefix and are noted in the 4-year plan as “Learning Plan Agriculture Electives”. Students pursuing the Pre-Education Track may want to select a diverse set of Learning Plan Agriculture Electives, spanning Ag Business, Animal Science, and Plant Science. Example courses include AGSC 218: Horticulture, AGSC 332: Vegetable Production, AGSC 342: Ag Entrepreneurship (offered Spring, Odd Years), AGSC 340: Futures and Options Markets (Fall, Odd Years), AGSC 414: Agricultural Policy (Spring, Even Years), AGSC 180: Introduction to Equine Science, AGSC 350: Equine Business, AGSC 321: Animal Nutrition, AGSC 334: Companion Animal Management, AGSC 410: Soil Conservation and Management, and others.
  • The additional Learning Plan Course Electives can come from either AGSC or other disciplines that relate to and support the student’s area of interest. Students pursuing the Pre-Education Track should include the courses recommended for the Pre-MAE, Elementary Education option as Learning Plan Courses.
  • (*) = ED 609G is a graduate course but can also count for undergraduate credit as long as the student completes the “Application to take graduate courses as a senior” Form, found here (link).
  • WE = Writing Enhanced course
  • The Dialogues curriculum requires a certain number of courses/credit hours in the following Perspectives: Social, Arts and Humanities, STEM, Communications, and Statistics. The exact number of courses a student will be required to take during their undergraduate career varies individually according to the credit transferred in.


This is a sample course sequence to illustrate class offerings for this major. The Office of the Registrar is responsible for certifying completion of degree requirements based on requirements specified in Truman's Official Catalog.

All Sample Four-Year Plans