Master of Arts in Education Program

Resources for Mentor Teachers

As a mentor teacher, you serve a critical role in the development of future teachers who want to make a positive impact on the lives of their students. Truman State University’s Master of Arts in Education (MAE) interns have completed graduate-level education courses which are designed to provide a well-developed understanding of content, pedagogy, learners, and learning environments.  Thank you for welcoming these students into your classroom.

The MAE Internship Handbook includes helpful information for mentor teachers.

Go to MAE Handbook PDF


View a chart that includes information such as Hours Required, Threshold Expectations, Impact on P-12 Learning, and more.
Go to Chart
Interns are expected to start their internship on the first day that school resumes after summer or winter break according to your district’s calendar. This time also includes any in-service or required teacher meeting days. The intern’s last day will be the Thursday prior to Truman’s commencement.
Your intern’s university supervisor will be the primary liaison this semester and help facilitate a successful internship. Mentor teachers should always feel welcome to contact the intern’s supervisor.

The following items will be emailed to your school address and need to be returned to the Field Experience Office:

  • Contract for the mentor stipend
  • W-9 tax form

The mentor teacher needs to complete the Missouri Educator Evaluation System (MEES) assessment of their intern prior to the end of the placement. The intern is not eligible for initial teaching certification unless this Google form is completed.  This scoring rubric from DESE should be used when filling out the Google form. The intern’s supervisor will provide more information about evaluations during their visits and this user manual is provided by DESE.

The internship is a pass/fail course.  Your input to the University supervisor throughout the semester will impact the decision for whether the intern passes or fails but it will not be the only measure taken into consideration.  We appreciate and welcome your feedback on the intern and look forward to working together to ensure a successful semester for all.
All Truman MAE students have completed undergraduate degrees and have already obtained substitute teaching certificates.  According to our state-approved program, the intern may substitute for the mentor teacher in the classroom to which they are assigned for regular substitute pay with the district’s approval.

Have Questions?

See Truman’s Department of Education Faculty and Staff Directory or contact:

Jeanne Harding, Director
Institute for Academic Outreach
Graduate Studies
Field Experiences

McClain 303F
100 E. Normal Ave.
Kirksville, Mo. 63501
(660) 785-4301